The Step-By-Step Guide to Writing Songs People Will Rave About
Learn how to write a song like a pro in 10 simple steps, even if you've never written one before! This step-by-step system will walk you thru EXACTLY how to write a song from start to finish. You'll get plenty of explanation throughout about not only the HOW but also the WHY for each step. When you're done, you will have crafted a complete song using a system you will use again and again for your future masterpieces.
90 Days to the Best Songs of Your Life
Start writing the best songs of your life in just 90 days! Whether you've been writing songs for 10 years or 10 days, the next 90 days are going to super-charge your songwriting, clarify your vision and calling, and stoke the fires of your creativity in a way you've never experienced before.
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